Multicultural NZ Submission to UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination (CERD)
Multicultural New Zealand (the NZ Federation of Multicultural Councils) represents 18 multicultural councils throughout New Zealand and has national advisory councils for youth, women, seniors and business. We offer a collective voice for ethnic, migrant and refugee communities in particular and promote cultural diversity and harmonious race relations in general. We are therefore very interested in New Zealand's compliance with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and are likely to make a shadow report to the Committee as well as providing comment on this draft report.
There are many organisations and individuals that speak for Maori and Pacific peoples in New Zealand, so the primary emphasis of our comments is on other minority ethnic, migrant and refugee communities. We do however emphasise the importance and urgency of addressing the issues faced by Maori and Pacific peoples, particularly in relation to entrenched social and economic inequalities. We also share with them a concern to address the structural discrimination that continues to afflict all ethnic minorities.
To read the full report, please click here.