Multicultural New Zealand Cultural and Social Support Service Practitioners Hui
Multicultural NZ (NZFMC) for the first time organised a national meeting of the frontline cultural and social support service practitioners in the ethnic migrant and refugee community groups industry for an opportunity to share ideas, stories, and hope.
The inaugural national hui gave insight into the challenges and opportunities of each migrant service centres operated by Migrant Services Trust, Regional Multicultural Councils and Newcomers Networks.
We had good presentations (below) from funding organisations and mainstream NGOs that you might find hopefully useful:
1. The New Zealand Federation of Family Budgeting Services Inc
2. English Language Partner Trust
3. Network Waitangi Otautahi
4. Todd Foundation - Attached a handout with some further funding tips – The CEO of Todd Foundation recommend the Exult website (mentioned in the handout), and the Exult fundraising workshop:
5. Philanthropy NZ
Please find time to watch and answer questions on the documentary on Te Tiriti o Waitangi from France (in English):
On behalf of the New Zealand Federation of Multicultural Councils (Multicultural New Zealand) and Joris de Bres who lead the Talking About Multiculturalism project funded by UNESCO, we used the hui to launch Our Multicultural Future report. Visit our Facebook page to see the launch story in photos.
Warm regards,
Tayo Agunlejika
Multicultural New Zealand
View files from the event:
- Collaborative_Impact_NZFFBS_powerpoint_for_NZFMC_panel
- Funding_tips_2015
- Nicola_Presentation_Aug_Hui_2015
- Peet_Presentation_Aug_Hui_2015
- Philanthropy_NZ
- Thinking_about_Governance