Annual Sangam Night 2015
TISI Sangam Wellington Inc. Presents the Annual Sangam Night 2015 on 26th the September starting at 7.00PM. It will take place at the Indian Cultural Hall, Cnr Udy and Nelson Sts, Petone.
Our local live band will be performing at this function. As a community based organisation, we take pleasure in promoting local talents whereby giving them the opportunity and encouragement to perform in front of our own families. No doubt this will assist the performers to pursue their passion for music beyond today. So please come support us in encouraging our people grow.
Melody Makers Live Band, Dinner and Entertainment. Tickets $20 per person, children 10 years & under free. Dinner included, Drinks & Kava available for sale. Ticket enquiries - please contact Krishna Gounder - 027 567 9329