New Zealand Malaysian Society Deepavali, EOY Get Together & Christmas Dinner

NZMSEveryone is welcome at the New Zealand Malaysian Society Deepavali, EOY Get Together & Christmas Dinner. It will take place at the Johnsonville Community Centre, Moorefield Road, Johnsonville from 6.30pm on Saturday the 21st November 2015.


Buffet Menu


Chicken Kurma Lamb Perattal

Sambar (Malaysian Dhall Curry) Beans & Capsicum Vegetable Stir Fry

Cucumber & Pineapple Salad Vegetarian Mee Goreng

Roti Chanai White Rice

Desserts & Cakes

Non-Halal – Christmas HAM


Tickets can be purchased from NZMS Committee members

RSVP by 13th November 2015 via email to:

Ticket Price: *$22 per adult, $12 per child from 5-12 years. (*NZMS financial members - $18)

Financial members price $18, refer below:

Individual: 1 ticket

Family: 2 tickets plus benefit of paying members price for their immediate children 12+ to 18 years old.

* Children 12+ to 18 years - $18 for members and $22 for non-members.

All children 5-12 years old regardless of membership: $12 per child

Tickets can be purchased from your NZMS committee members or

RSVP via email to from now until Sunday 13th November 2015.


Priority will be given to financial members of NZMS.

This will be a good time to renew your 2016 membership so that we can continue to organise more events.

Please provide your NZMS contact with your name and the number of people attending (number of adults and number of kids below 12 yrs old). This is to assist us in seating families and groups together at the same table.

NOTE: Table seating will be allocated on an unbiased basis. Everyone must sit at the table they are allocated to by NZMS organisers. There will be NO swapping or choosing of tables on the day!!!


R.S.V.P. via email to reserve your ticket with payment direct debited to :

NZ Malaysian Society Incorporated

Westpac Account number ==> 03 0518 0136738 000

In order to track payment, please use the 3 fields in the internet banking with the following information where possible:

EOY2015-<name>-<start ticket no>-<end ticket-no>
example: EOY2015-DennisWong-22180-190
Please advise via email your name, contact details, children if applicable. Tickets can be posted or picked up from the committee members.

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